About Bangladesh Medical College Journal

The Bangladesh Medical College Journal Editorial Committee is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, https://bmcjournal.org  in july 2021. The online access was introduced initially in 2010.

The print version of BMCJ, published continuously since 1995, is a national peer-reviewed general medical journal published two (2) times a year. It is accepted by BMDC and has the unique eight-digit number International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and NLM ID. The online version of this journal is made freely available to institutions and medical scholars throughout the world. All the BMCJ’s original papers are published in full on this website, with open access. We do not charge authors or readers for research articles, nor for other articles arising from work funded by open access grants. BMCJ website provides access to documents which are published in BMCJ print issue. Immediately upon publication, BMCJ views open access to health personnel as essential in order to ensure the rapid and efficient communication of research findings. All research articles published by BMCJ may be freely accessed, re-used and re-distributed.

The BMCJ’s vision is to be the Bangladesh’s most influential and widely read medical journal. Our mission is to lead the debate on health and to inform and stimulate physicians, researchers, and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients and society.